Big News!
We’re publishing a magazine!
Founded independently by myself (if we haven’t met, I’m Daisy, Hi!) The Grey is really a call out to anyone else who was feeling how I have been.
Tired of magazines and content that just exists to prompt us to shop, to idolise brand partners and celebrities, to feel compelled to jump headfirst into micro trends just to feel like we belong to the same standard as everyone else.
Other magazines expect you to memorise names, know the latest drops from the latest luxury brands and closely follow the latest style of the latest it-girl.
But I never really cared about any of that.
I wanted to learn how to repair and love my clothing, to understand the historical context and process behind the designs, and appreciate the trailblazers who use the universal language of fashion to push forward frontiers in gender expression, class warfare, sustainable production and reparations through inclusivity and accessibility.
I never saw fashion as a frivolous media frenzy and exclusive circle, I saw it as an extension of who we are, a representation of what we want, and a social science/humanity that is endlessly inspiring.
If you have ever felt like you aren’t included in the fashion world, or can’t afford to buy your way into it, if you feel like your style makes you an outsider or you love clothes but hate ‘fashion’ - then The Grey exists for you!
We believe in free information, free press and free speech. We didn’t see a lot of it going on within fashion (or the world tbh) so we decided to create our own space for it.
Each issue will have a limited print run (Our upcoming first edition has a modest 300 copies) which we will drop off around London for you to enjoy completely free.
As a new grassroots protest zine I couldn’t be more thankful to the people who understood our goals and wanted to be part of this attempt at slowly setting the world to rights together.
The theme of the first issue is Gender.
With recent news stories from the olympics, riot inducing violence against girls and consistent transphobic headlines being used for political gain, this topic couldn’t be more topical.
Gender is also a topic that indistinguishably entwined with fashion. It’s something the whole industry sells for profit, but doesn’t really discuss at a deeper level. And vice versa fashion is something that maybe doesn’t appeal to each and every gender, but we are all deeply impacted by the perceived gender meaning of the clothing we wear. For good or for bad.
This issue is stuffed full off amazing insights into the nuances of lesbian fashion, androgyny, current trends, expression through makeup, implications of feminine madness and evil through costume, connections to clothing through gender transitions, personal stories of body image insecurity and historical reflections on fashion as a gendered industry. We really got our hands dirty!
Thanks again to the amazing photographers, videographers, journalists and artists who came together to bring this issue to life.
There will be more!
The current plan is a quarterly zine, each time with a different topic, always about fashion, and always to be shared for free. This might be a bit idealistic as printing zines costs money…
For this first issue I am emptying out my measly savings account, and we will be having a night of hand-binding the printed pamphlets together to craft each of the 300 copies! We are hoping that for our second issue we can secure some funding (otherwise it may have to be a once a year situation so that we can fund it ourselves through savings!) and we have big plans for parallel events and activations (starting with a launch party in October - stay tuned for the details) more articles running through our website and one day workshops and a community space set up too…
Find us on instagram (monozygotic_) or tiktok (monozygotics) to stay in touch, find out where our zines will be stocked, find out when submissions re-open, and claim your spot at our launch party when we release details!
lots of love! xoxo